2024-2025 CBA Board of Directors Installed

Each year CBA members are invited to elect incumbent and new candidates to the Board of Directors. We’re excited to announce that the votes have been tallied and incumbents Tatiana Arguello, Dean Littleton, Ross White and Tony Garcia will continue with the Board for... Read More.

CBA Board Appoints New Radio Board Director

At the end of 2023 two board members resigned from the board, leaving two openings. One of the exiting members was up for re-election this summer and their seat was made eligible for election on the 2024 ballot. The other seat had a year... Read More.

CBA Introduces Mobile Text Alerts

We’re working to make it easier for you to hit those Awards deadlines, and keep up with everything Awards and CBA related, with text alerts. Email gets lost in SPAM folders and inboxes, so we’re putting announcements where your face is... Read More.

Speed & Swagger: Ten-Minute Sales Trainer

The CBA now provides, free of charge, to you and your sales team, access to the “Speed & Swagger Ten-Minute Trainer.” This new sales tool is a weekly video training show that will feature guest trainers both in and outside of broadcasting. Speed and... Read More.

2021-22 CBA Board Directors Announced

The Colorado Broadcasters Association has wrapped up its annual board elections and is excited to welcome back Associate Director, Tony Garcia, Founder of Global Media Services, Inc., Dean Littleton, VP/GM of E.W. Scripps Denver and Dan Smith, General Manager of KWHS-TV in Colorado Springs.... Read More.

CBA Files Joint Comments with FCC on Increased Regulatory Fees

On Friday, June 18th, the Colorado Broadcasters Association (CBA), along with Florida and Puerto Rico, filed Joint Reply Comments in regard to the increase of Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) Regulatory Fees for 2021. The filing notes, that for the second year in a row, and... Read More.